Friday, December 6, 2019

What is MicroNeedling?

What is MicroNeedling?
MicroNeedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is a minimally invasive treatment
which is used to treat acne scarring, burns, and common signs of aging that happens with the
depletion of collagen in the skin.

MicroNeedling is a medical treatment which utilizes micro-needles of a depth of 0.5mm or more.
This penetrates beyond the epidermis into the deeper dermal layer of the skin, causing pin-point
bleeding while triggering the bodies natural healing response. It is by breaching the outer layer
of the skin into the dermis that allows for a pathway of topical substances to be infused at a
higher rate into the skin.

The substance which we use here at Renu U is sterile Hyaluronic Acid (Hyaluron). It is applied
to the skin throughout the treatment. Although it is not necessary to the microneedling treatment,
as your own body will be stimulating its own healing process, it does provide added benefits
which will assist the renewal of your skin cells and increases moisture absorption of up to 80%. 

Safety and proven results are two main factors in choosing who will be doing your micro-needling treatment. Here at Renu U Aesthetics, we only use Health-Canada approved eDermastamp
Medical Grade equipment, and the Hyaluron is 100% sterile. Microneedling by eDermastamp is
also used in Sunnybrook hospital on burn victims to aid in the process of generating new and
healthy skin cells. 

Results are dependent on the sterility, and effectiveness of the needles used when microneedling.
eDermastamp needles are sterile, and single use which means that after treatment they are
disposed of to ensure there is no cross contamination. They are also atraumatic (non traumatic),
which is essential for collagen induction therapy. When using improper needles, which have blunt tips
(this can be seen at the microscopic level in the picture below), not only will you not see the desired
results, but you may also make your skin worse. Instead, emergency healing is triggered and can
create scars and divets in the skin, either immediately, or over the course of months after treatment.
eDermastamp needles are also powered through an outlet, and not batteries, which ensures a
consistent supply of energy to ensure that the needles are rapidly piercing the skin. This prevents
dragging of the needles against the skin for the most optimal outcome. 

After treatment it is very important to follow the instructions given to make sure you get the best
results and your skin heals properly. Stay out of the sun and do not use makeup. This is very important,
because of the increased ability of your skin to absorb product, and sensitivity. Before micro-needling,
your skin is only able to absorb 7% of topically applied products. After microneedling, your skin is able
to absorb up to 80%. That is a huge difference which is why it is so necessary to be conscious of what
you are applying topically to your skin.

Don’t forget to make sure you have a proper facial regimen worked out for at home with your
esthetician to get the most out of your treatment. You will also get your own mini aftercare package
to take home.


Thursday, March 21, 2019

Your Skin Routine