Friday, September 30, 2016

Laser hair Removal 101

Looking for a way out of excess hair growth and or lessening the amount ?

Than IPL laser is your best friend
Causes of excess hair growth
  • Aesthetic - most often related to ethnic background or heredity
  • Medical - related to endocrine disorders resulting in androgen over production. Common signs include irregular menstrual cycles, acne, alopecia, hirsutism.
So why have IPL laser hair removal?
  •  non invasive
  •  faster session times
  • suitable for small & large body areas
  •  minimal maintenance
  •  long term reduction of hair
  • It reduces the amount of ingrown hairs
  • up to 80- 90 percent reduction 
A common question often asked by my clients, is why do I require more then one treatment?
The reason a course of IPL laser hair removal is recommended, is because it’s important to catch hair in the Anagen stage of growth or the active stage.

Not all follicles grow hair at every given moment. Active follicles grow hair in cycles and at an avg rate of about 0.33mm per day.  Dormant follicles do not grow hair but can become active at any time due to hormonal changes and other reasons.
When the hair is fully connected to the blood supply, it is impossible to tell at what stage the hair growth is at, so a course of treatments will remove the hair when it is at it’s most active.

IPL Laser Hair Removal Explained

IPL only treats dark coarse hairs, it will not treat white, blonde, grey or red hair.
This is because the light is attracted to the melanin pigment in the hair follicle. The light energy absorbed in the follicle is transformed into heat which coagulates the follicle. 
Each pulse takes less than a second, small areas include the underarm, lip and chin which can take minutes to treat, areas such as the the arms, legs, chest and back may take 30 minutes or more.
At our spa we recommend between six to twelve treatments and then regular maintenance, over time treatment will be pushed out to just a couple of times a year, exactly how much depends on the clients hormonal hair growth.
I believe honesty is the best policy with my clients, unlike many un-reputable companies…
I always explain IPL hair removal is not permanent, we aim to get 80 to 90% reduction of unwanted hair, so my clients are under no false illusions about their future treatments.

Preparing for Laser Hair Removal

  • Before undergoing a hair removal treatment you must not PLUCK, TWEEZE or THREAD for 6 weeks, as this stimulates hair growth, turning it from fine vellus to coarse terminal hair
  • Ideally you don’t want to be WAXING because IPL targets the root of the hair which is temporarily removed by waxing
  • It is really important that you are wearing no FAKE or GRADUAL tan, or that the areas being treated have not been directly EXPOSED to the sun, because IPL is attracted to pigment in the skin
  • Ideally the LENGTH of your hair should be a few millimeters above the skins surface before treatment, so shaving 24-48 hours before treatment is recommended
  • So you get the most from your treatment, the IPL light is always adjusted to your particular colour, thickness, and location of hair
Laser Hair Removal Consultation
Below are a list of questions you can expect to be asked before treatment:
  1. What areas are you interested in having treated?
  2. What do you normally do for hair removal?
  3. In the last two weeks have you been in the sun or had fake or gradual tan on the area to be treated? If the answer is yes the treatment cannot be performed, as laser light is attracted to pigment in the skin.
  4. How long ago did you have hair removal?
  5. Have you waxed or plucked in the last four weeks? Again if the answer is yes, this may indicate that your hair will grow back quickly, drawing blood to the hair follicle.
  6. Before a treatment can be performed, hairs must be no longer than two mm’s as obviously hair must be showing above the surface in order to target the hairs.
  7. You are allowed to shave or trim between treatments, but no plucking, tweezing, waxing or threading.
  8. Are you aware of any hormonal imbalances you may have, such as PCOS?
  9. Are you pregnant? Diabetic? Cancer? Epilepsy?
  10. Are you currently on any medication? If you are on accutane for instance you cannot have laser for six months, as this medication thins the skin.
  11. Due to the intensity of the heat it is normal for the skin to appear a little swollen and red after; It is important that you avoid heat treatments such as the sauna, direct heat and the gym for 24 hours after treatment.
  12. It can take up to two weeks for the hair to completely fall out of the follicle, so you need to be exfoliating from the following day.
Important Laser Information
IPL is a medical treatment and should not be taken lightly, because if administered incorrectly there is a real potential to do harm.
Anyone, whether trained or not can legally operate an IPL or laser machine; A scary thought when some of the side effects include burning, pigmentary changes including hypo-pigmentation, hyper-pigmentation, scarring and reactivation of herpes viruses.
I don’t write this to scare you, because IPL does have fantastic results, and in the right hands it is safe and effective and the results are far superior to conventional methods of hair removal.
It’s your skin, so you need to make sure the hands that administer your treatment are well trained……
Because ultimately many adverse reactions can be minimised, especially with the correct use of wavelength for the person’s skin and hair type and by using a cooling system on the skin.
Ensuring you have a thorough consultation and are offered sound post-treatment advise is also key, if the treatment is to be administered safely.

Live Well, Be Healthy and Take Time to Renew Yourself,

Renu U Aesthetics.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Getting Married? Skin Care Prep Tips for the Bride

My wedding day in 2011 was fabulous! Here is my six month plan to ensure the glow on your wedding day.
Find a reputable skin care professional. Six months is the perfect amount of time to ensure that your skin is clear, smooth and glowing for the big day. It’s important to find a trained skin care professional that is able to give your skin everything it needs.  Let RENU U Aesthetics make a plan to get your skin glowing for your wedding day.
Schedule a consultation. What may work for your friend may not be right for you, everyone's skin has different needs and reacts to stress differently. Be sure to ask a lot of questions; particularly the cost of treatments, side-effects and the results they can guarantee.
Fit it in the budget. Generally, a good skin care plan (both professional and home-care products) can range from $500-$2000. Tip: If the budget is tight, let your maid of honor know that getting your skin in good condition for your wedding day is a priority and she may plan a shower where everyone pitches in to give your skin care services as a gift…
Patch test your skin. When starting a new skin care program, be sure to do a patch test if you’re trying out new skin care products as allergic reactions can take up to four weeks to heal. Rub a small amount of product on the side of your neck and wait 24 hours. If redness or irritation occurs, avoid using the product.
Follow the plan set forth by your skin care professional. A variety of skin care procedures such as facials, microdermabrasion, photo facials, and chemical peels will all be beneficial in getting your bridal glow.
-Exfoliate well. This will keep off dry skin cells to lessen clogged pores and blemishes, and help fade post-breakout scars. Look for products with exfoliating acids and enzymes.  For an at-home exfoliant to smoothe and clear your skin, try Thalgo's exfoliant best suited for your skin from RENU U Aesthetics.
-Keep the skin clear of bacteria. Products using ingredients such as Salicylic Acid and Tea Tree help to eliminate bacteria and prevent the spread of breakouts. Regular High Frequency treatments at RENU U Aesthetics can also help minimize bacteria presence on the skin.
-Be sure to keep the skin hydrated. If you’re prone to blemishes, your skin needs water-based moisture to keep cells healthy to discourage dead skin cell buildup. Make sure to use an oil-free lotion such as Thalgo's 24H Source Marine Gel Cream.

-Use a skin lightener. By combining exfoliation, skin lighteners and daily use of sunscreen, the pigmented cells will slowly start break down and fade their color. Exfoliation is beneficial for breaking up the pigmented cells while a skin-lightening agent like Vitamin C or Kojic Acid will suppress the melanin cells and accelerate the fading process. 
Avoid washing your skin with hot water. Cooler temperatures will keep reduce redness and keep the skin calm.  
Use soothing ingredients in your products. Chamomile, Azulene and Sea Whip all help to comfort the skin and reduce redness.
-Make sure you get facials that cater to sensitive skin. Although facials can be extremely calming for red skins, you must make sure that your esthetician has experience in caring for this very delicate type of skin. Avoid strong chemical peels as they will only exacerbate redness. Also, avoid use of hot steam during a facial and use a Lucas Pulverizer.
Make a commitment to not pick at your skin. Acne breakouts usually last just 3-5 days, but when you pick at a blemish, the red mark that lingers can be there for three months! We know it’s tempting, but you can make problem skin much worse by forcing bacteria deeper into the skin, resulting in scarring and further break outs. A better solution for problem skin is a regular facial schedule, where your pores can be cleaned professionally. 
Cut back on the invasive skin treatments. If you have been having IPL treatments or a series of skin peels, now is the time to start cutting back on those. You need to start going into maintenance mode. Hopefully, those aggressive procedures helped to clear up break outs, post-breakout acne scars and discoloration and now the focus is on maintaining the results. Get a professional facial every 3-4 weeks for the remaining three months.
Go easy. Now that you’re on the home stretch, it’s not the time to be experimenting with new products or services. Keep everything gentle by backing off aggressive professional treatments.
Avoid dairy products if you’re prone to acne cysts. Many people have heard that greasy foods and chocolate cause breakouts. Breakouts, especially those that are cyst-like in the chin and jaw line area, most often are related to too much ice cream, yogurt, milk and cheese. Try cutting back and watch your skin clear up!  
Get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. Sleep is not only important to keep dark circles at bay, but it is also the time when your body is most metabolically active, ridding itself of toxins which would otherwise wreak havoc with your skin. Sleep also reduces stress, the #1 aggravator of acne!
Keep your skin care products cold. When nerves are at their highest, it can cause increased blood flow to the skin. Try keeping your skin care products in the refrigerator. Cleansing, toning and moisturizing with cool temperature products keep the skin calm and soothed.
Get your final facial. The facial should focus on skin smoothing via exfoliation and hydration. Keep extractions to a minimum to avoid unnecessary redness.
Don’t experiment with any new products. You don’t want to risk having an adverse reaction to anything—stick with tried and true.
Avoid shell fish. Especially for those who have traveled to a tropical island for their wedding, you’ll be tempted with all the wonderful seafood that is there. Many people are allergic to iodine commonly found in shell fish which can result in very serious skin and body reactions, so now is not the time to be eating foods you have not tried before.
Limit your intake of alcohol. Alcohol leads to skin and under eye puffiness, so for every alcoholic drink, follow it with a 4-8 oz glass of water. This will help prevent unnecessary morning puffiness.
Avoid crying (if possible). With all of the celebratory speeches that are given, it’s only normal that a few tears may be shed. If at all possible, try to avoid crying since it causes the eyes to swell resulting in excessive morning under eye puffiness. (Do cucumber slices on the eyes help reduce puffiness?)
Apply a hydrating mask. Thalgo's Marine Source Masks are water-based so they won’t add any oil to the skin and interfere with wedding day makeup. They calm the skin from wedding day nerves, and gives your skin a smooth, healthy glow.

Drink a lot of water. To prevent skin from puffiness due to shedding tears or alcohol intake the night before, drink cold ice water throughout the day. This will also help prevent your mouth from getting dry due to nerves.
Practice deep breathing. There is nothing better to calm the nerves than frequent deep breathing. Relax. Enjoy. Your day is here.