Friday, May 29, 2015

The Sun: A Double Edged Sword

Enjoy the Sun Safely

When it comes to the  sun we all seem to have a love hate relationship, I know all of us at the spa feel want to sit out under those beautiful warm rays and feel the vitamin D being activated. However as aestheticians we know just what we are in for if we do that... Wrinkles, age spots and worst of all Cancer!

Here are a few things you need to know about sun protection:

  • What do UVA and UVB stand for?
    • Ultra Violet Aging and Ultra Violet Burning, so broad spectrum sunscreen is meant to protect you from both sun burns and early aging. Isn't that great!?
  • What options do I have for sunscreen?
    • Cream, Spray or Powders
  • Is the sun REALLY that dangerous for people?
    • Yes! If you expose yourself to the sun unprotected in your youth you raise your risk of melanoma by 70%. Melanoma is a cancer that can sneak up on you, you won't even know you have it till you have reached the final and most threatening stages. This is why so many people understand that sun protection is VERY important.
When picking a sunscreen we recommend that you always choose the broad spectrum variety. Those of us who wear make-up every day should include both a cream sunscreen under their foundations, as well as an SPF face powder. Just to make sure that you are protecting your face as well as you possibly can. Our faces are very sensitive and are continually exposed to the sun, which causes skin damage and wrinkling. UVA rays are one of the major causes of deep wrinkling.

A couple makeup brands such have SPF such as:

Bare Minerals Foundation Powder : SPF 15
Jane Iredale Foundation Powders: SPF 20 with UVA and UVB protection

Some moisturizers with SPF:

  • Thalgo Oxygen Defence Fluid: SPF 15
  • Isagenix Sunguard: SPF 30

When looking for a body sunscreen it is wise to wear a broad spectrum type with SPF is you are fair or burn easily, however if you are darker you could go for an SPF 20. It's important to remember to reapply cream sunscreens as often as it directs, we sweat in the heat and it's important to stay protected.

If you are someone who worries a lot about what you are putting on your skin here are some all natural oils and their level of SPF:

  • Red Raspberry Seed- SPF 30
  • Carrot Seed Oil- SPF 40
  • Wheatgerm Oil- SPF 20
  • Non-GMO Soybean Oil – SPF 10
  • Coconut Oil – SPF 4
Just be very careful when using oils as a sunscreen, and reapply often staying out of the sun as much as possible.

Other options for things like large moles or birthmarks are zinc creams, which completely blocks the rays of the sun and are fairly waterproof due to their heaviness, but good for small children and even noses!

Even with all this protection it's still important to cover up. You can buy beautiful sun hats to protect your scalp and face from sun burns, which can get VERY severe. No to mention SPF sunglasses to protect your eye sight. If you are particularly sensitive there are even nylon arm protectors in varying colours that protect your arms from sun exposure.

We hope all this information keeps you and your skin happy, healthy and youthful looking for this summer and all the summers to come.

Live Well and Feel Great!

RENU U Aesthetics

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