Why do I have deep wrinkles?
As we get older our skin loses it's natural, bounce and tightness. This is due to a loss of connective tissues call Collagen and Elastin. This causes the skin to begin to loosen and/or sag.
Exposure to the Sun
Ultra Violet rays cause skin damage, such as spotting such as freckles. This is caused by a chemical in the body called Melasma which is usually the cause of pregnancy mask (a mask of freckles across the face during pregnancy).
The chemicals in your cigarettes causes the slowing of collagen production in the skin. Collagen is very important for keeping your skin firm, without it your skin will sag and crease. Making fine lines and wrinkles.
The chemicals in your cigarettes causes the slowing of collagen production in the skin. Collagen is very important for keeping your skin firm, without it your skin will sag and crease. Making fine lines and wrinkles.
Excessive Facial Expressions
Many deep lines are caused by the repeated motion of your habitual facial movements, such as smiling, frowning, laughing and/or squinting.
Many deep lines are caused by the repeated motion of your habitual facial movements, such as smiling, frowning, laughing and/or squinting.
Various environmental factors
Wind, water and heat and dirt can cause irritation, dryness, chapping and minor scratches. All of which is can cause dehydration, fine lines etc...
Wind, water and heat and dirt can cause irritation, dryness, chapping and minor scratches. All of which is can cause dehydration, fine lines etc...
What do I do about it?
We can't do anything about the ageing process, but all the other factors that cause wrinkles we can work to prevent.
Sun exposure:
It's a huge factor in ageing and you can protect yourself simply by adding a sunscreen to your regular moisturizing routine! This doesn't just mean that you are going to put sun protection only on your face. Your entire body wrinkles and can get skin damage, this means that always protecting yourself is important. Using SPF 30 is more than adequate for light skin types and SPF 15-20 are good for darker skin types.
If you are still smoking you will have heard this a thousand times, it's important to kick the habit as it's not only deteriorating your lungs and other organs slowly but it's causing you to age fast! So #1 quit smoking.
Next you can book a series of microdermabrasion treatments to help increase collagen and elastin production. Soon Renu U will be offering facial peels as well, which do the same job as microdermabrasion. If you aren't in our area you could certainly find a spa that does Alpha Hydroxy Acid peels.
Regular moisturizing facials will also help to revitalize the overall look of the skin. And a very good facial care routine, will put a dent in the aging process.
Protecting your skin from the wind, cold, rain and dirt etc... is as simple as making sure you pick the right clothing to protect you during your activities out doors. Moisturizing before you go out as well helps you by putting a protective barrier between you and the elements. The oils in the moisturizer put a layer that catches the dirt, protects the skin from wind rash etc...
Keeping up your at home regiment of cleansing, toning moisturizing and bi-weekly exfoliation (exfoliation varies from 1-3 times a week based on thickness of the skin and coarseness of exfoliant). You could also add eye creams and face masks to your regime. Make sure that you work out your face care regime with your aesthetician for best results.
We hope that your face feels and looks it's best, and that you learned ways to stop aging in it's tracks.
Live Well and Be Healthy,
Renu U Aesthetics.
It's a huge factor in ageing and you can protect yourself simply by adding a sunscreen to your regular moisturizing routine! This doesn't just mean that you are going to put sun protection only on your face. Your entire body wrinkles and can get skin damage, this means that always protecting yourself is important. Using SPF 30 is more than adequate for light skin types and SPF 15-20 are good for darker skin types.
If you are still smoking you will have heard this a thousand times, it's important to kick the habit as it's not only deteriorating your lungs and other organs slowly but it's causing you to age fast! So #1 quit smoking.
Next you can book a series of microdermabrasion treatments to help increase collagen and elastin production. Soon Renu U will be offering facial peels as well, which do the same job as microdermabrasion. If you aren't in our area you could certainly find a spa that does Alpha Hydroxy Acid peels.
Regular moisturizing facials will also help to revitalize the overall look of the skin. And a very good facial care routine, will put a dent in the aging process.
Protecting your skin from the wind, cold, rain and dirt etc... is as simple as making sure you pick the right clothing to protect you during your activities out doors. Moisturizing before you go out as well helps you by putting a protective barrier between you and the elements. The oils in the moisturizer put a layer that catches the dirt, protects the skin from wind rash etc...
Keeping up your at home regiment of cleansing, toning moisturizing and bi-weekly exfoliation (exfoliation varies from 1-3 times a week based on thickness of the skin and coarseness of exfoliant). You could also add eye creams and face masks to your regime. Make sure that you work out your face care regime with your aesthetician for best results.
We hope that your face feels and looks it's best, and that you learned ways to stop aging in it's tracks.
Live Well and Be Healthy,
Renu U Aesthetics.
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