Thursday, July 30, 2015

Tips for a Confidence

The Healthiest You is a Confident You

For women and men in our society it can be difficult to be satisfied with self. We all watch TV and see magazine covers that make us feel ugly, fat and all over less than. It's hard to tell yourself that those pictures are touched up and there is simply no way we will ever look like the women and men on the cover of these magazines. Whether it be a fitness, or beauty magazine/show. It just seems impossible to reach and we feel discouraged and defeated. It happens to all ages, ranging from 5-70 people are feeling inadequate.

Here are some times to help you build your confidence every day:

Post it Notes: 

Leave yourself encouraging messages all over your home, cellphone background etc... Things like.

"You are Beautiful" "Love yourself" "Today is Gonna Be a Good Day" "You are Wonderful" "Think Happy thoughts" etc....

Things that make you feel special and loved. Things that make you smile.

Think Positive:

Don't put yourself down, what you say to yourself becomes the truth, if you tell yourself you are ugly or that you will never succeed... you'll never get anywhere.

Tell yourself as you look in the mirror "I am beautiful, and confident" and you will be.


It's true that a smile can turn into a laugh, and can even brighten your day.

Take Pride:

If you have accomplished something that you've always dreamed about, make sure you tell yourself that you have succeeded. Remember confidence comes from within, praise from others is hollow if you don't believe it yourself. 

Don't focus on mistakes:

Look at the big picture. If you have had a set back in life just think how far you have come. If you are painting, losing weight etc... look at the overall picture! Does the painting still look beautiful despite that small flaw? Did you already lose 50lbs and you didn't get your total goal this week? 

That is what matters, don't knit pick the little details.

Change the things you can:

If you are unhappy in your life and there is something you can do to change it, change it! Loving yourself is making the hard decisions that will make you happy in the long run even if in that moment it seems like the hardest thing you will ever do.

Accept yourself:

If people tell you that you have flaws and that they don't like something about you... don't listen to them! If it makes you happy and you just wouldn't feel yourself without that part of you, find people that will love you for these special quirks! Surround yourself with people who love you for who you are no matter what! Never change for someone else.

One day you'll be surround by people who love you through and through, but first you have to love yourself utterly and completely.

Basically do what makes you happy, surround yourself with people that make you happy! Live in the moment, be happy and frolic. Don't let others bring you down. You are beautiful in your very own unique and special way and once you see that everyone else will too... those who don't aren't worth your time. Besides their opinions don't matter, what matters is what you think of yourself.

Live well and Be Healthy,

Renu U Aesthetics

Friday, July 24, 2015

Baby steps to a healthier you

How to start getting healthy

For a lot of us it can be very hard to get healthy, we are all stuck in front of the television wishing for a body like the ones we see. We don't know where to start. We don't know how to start! A completely new lifestyle started cold turkey can be good for some people. However for others it can be a challenge to keep it up because we are so used to something completely different, sometimes it's been years since the last time we did anything remotely close to healthy. So here are a few tips on how to get started:

1. Do you go to bed at a decent hour?

Say you wake up every morning to go to work at 6am, are you in bed sleeping (or at least trying to sleep) by 10 pm. That's 8 hours right there.

Try to get your 8 hours of sleep to start, you'd be surprised how much healthier you feel and actually are when you sleep enough.

* We have tips on how to get a more restful sleep in our blog.

2. Do you eat often through out the day?

It's very important to have good eating habits. They say eating smaller meals more often through out the day is very important to keep one's metabolism running efficiently. This means that you are constantly burning what you are eating and not putting too much stress on your digestive system, or starving it.

Don't skip meals! This is important.

3. Do you drink enough water?

Taking in enough fluids is very important some people use the 8, 8 ounce glasses of water a day rule. But you can also measure your hydration level by the colour of your urine. It needs to have a pale yellow colour to it. Not clear and not dark, you can actually be over working your kidneys if it's too dark or too clear.

Hydration is very important to help keep your body moving along smoothly. Fluids are like the oil in your car, it keeps things going the way they are supposed to.

4. Do you exercise?

If you are a very sedentary person, you should always take it slow. Try to get the minimum amount of suggested exercise a week to start out and go from there. According to Health Canada for an adult that's a least 2.5hrs of exercise a week. That comes out to just over 20 minutes a day of exercise!

You can gradually increase the amount of time you spend exercising as you go, but for someone who doesn't lee active this is a good place to start.

It's suggested focus on exercises that get the blood flowing. Jumping jacks, dancing, aerobics etc... Choose something that you enjoy.

5. Build some muscle.

So if you already have all this down. Building muscle will help you get rid of any unwanted/unhealthy excess fat. You wonder how come people who are fit can eat "what ever they want" it's because getting fit and having lean muscle actually helps to keep you fit. A well oiled machine runs at peak efficiency.

And women are very afraid of looking bulky, but to get "large" for a woman takes a lot of dedication and a lot of food, and supplementation. Using weights every once in a while will actually tone and thin out your arms and legs rather than make then grow.

6. Be calm!

Stress is one on of the #1 causes of death these days. It causes major complications in the body. Stress can be seen in many ways. Eating things that put pressure on your system, being inactive, under/over sleeping, poor posture etc... It can all make a big difference in your life span and over all health.

Try to take better care of yourself. Take time for you, read a book take a bath do something you enjoy. Go to a yoga class, learn to meditate. It will all benefit you in the long run.

It's important to pick one and stick with it till it becomes second nature and then move on to another and then another. This will help you to build healthy habits for the future. You won't even have to think about what you are doing, you'll just do it. And don't worry if you slip up once or twice, everyone does it. Things take time to become a reality and if you want it badly enough you'll do it. It's all about focus, and strategy.

Keep moving and keep trying any effort you make to take a step forward is still farther ahead then you were yesterday even if you skipped last night's 20 minute work out.

You can do it!

Live Well and Be Healthy,

Renu U Aesthetics

Friday, July 10, 2015

Rotten Face Products?!

How to identify when your personal care products are spoiling

A lot of us keep things WAY past their best before date. Some of us don't even know that our makeup products and skin care products even have a best before date!

It's TRUE your makeup goes bad!

Mineral make-ups are an exception, but they have to be good quality makeup and you should still always make sure that they don't have a spoil date. And always use clean tools when applying it.

So how can you tell when your products are going to go bad?

Firstly, most products have seals to protect them from oxidation and bacteria growth. They are usually filled with machines and sealed air tight. So your makeup products shouldn't start spoiling till you open them, which means you are safe to use them as long as they have never been opened.

Once you have opened your product you have only so much time to use your products. On every personal care product there is usually a little logo that looks like a cream pot with the lid open. In the little pot there will be a words "6M", "9M" and "12M" etc... So once you open it, it will last approximately how long that little logo says.

You'll find this little logo on everything from hand cream, mascara, eyeliner and face powders. Even your body wash will have it.

If you find a product that doesn't have it, it will either have a stamp saying how long it will last or it could be a mineral based product.

Sometimes the products don't last as long as they say they will, for example most mascaras say they will last six months, but if you use it every day it is best to renew your mascara supply every three months.

Some professionals say to follow these guidelines with makeup:

Toss It Out

  • Mascara — 3 months. (Some say 6 months, but many cosmetics experts, including DaltonJames, recommend 3 months.)
  • Liquid Foundation and Concealer — 6 to 12 months.
  • Cream Blush and Eyeshadow — 6 to 12 months.
  • Powder Blush and Eyeshadow — 1 year.
  • Eyeliner and Lipliner Pencils — Up to 2 years.
  • Liquid Eyeliner — 6 months or less.
  • Lipstick — 1 year.
  • Moisturizers and Skin Care — 1 to 2 years.


If you have an infection and have used any of the products you have, for example and eye infection and you've used your mascara throw it out right away. The bacteria will multiply and cause future infections. 

We hope that this information will help you to rotate out your old and growing products, so that your skin can stay happy and germ free.

Live well and be healthy,

Renu U Aesthetics

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Ways to get more of those precious Zs

It's hard we live in a world that's on the go constantly, we carry cellphones everywhere so that we can keep in contact with all our family and friends when we need them or just get bored of ourselves. The you have to be constantly on the ball, always updated with the newest trends and the latest TV shows. Not to mention that we all have house work, partners maybe even children and work to deal with. It's hard to get that well deserved sleep you so cherish. But it's important to keep you strong and healthy.

So here are a few ways that Renu U gets those much deserved Zs that you're always craving, and maybe it'll help you to catch up on the sleep you've been losing.

#1. Turn it off!

Or at very least put it all away. Getting a good night's sleep means letting your brain realize that "night time" is coming.

Melatonin is a hormone released in your brain as the day goes on, if none of us owned artificial lights or computer screens etc... you'd start to notice that as the day goes by you start to get more and more tired, especially around sunset and there after. This is because humans AREN'T nocturnal. 

The clock may have been one of our worst inventions, because we know exactly how much time we are losing and when things are due. So we work well into our nights to get things done.

Try to turn of your gadgets and maybe grab a book or spend some time with your family. Build a skin care and bed time routine. Try to start this between 1-2 hours before you want to go to bed. You'll notice an increase in sleep.

#2. Don't bring it to bed!

Turn on your ringer if you think there may be an emergency and plug in your phone AWAY from your bedroom. leave your computer on a desk in your living room, study etc... as long as it's not in your room.

Studies show that any flashing lights, and/or sounds that are in your room will prevent you from going through your full sleep cycle, which means you'll be tired tomorrow too!

#3. Unplug your wifi

Some say that the wireless signals floating around in the air are causing a lot of people to have difficulty getting restful sleep. They say that it interferes with our bodies more than we really think. Some people argue that it doesn't


Are you using it? No? Is it taking up power while you sleep? For sure! You might even reduce your electric bill while trying to sleep. I think that's a bonus.

#4. Did you exercise today?

Inactivity is a HUGE contributor to restlessness! 

How many of us work at jobs where we sit at a desk all day long, with only a lunch break to walk around? I know I have days like that! Those days are good days to start the day off with a jog, or a short trip to the gym. You could even use your lunch break to take a run around the building, etc...

Doing a little activity through out the day can GREATLY improve your sleeping patterns that night and over time. But make sure that any strenuous activity isn't done right before bed, or it'll do the opposite of what you are looking to accomplish. A light bedtime yoga routine might help.

#5. Your bed is for sleeping

Don't eat, drink, watch tv or play on your phone in bed. You can read in bed, but nothing that it's going to cause your brain to have to work too hard. If you like cheesy romance novels, this would be the perfect time to read one. However your bed should be for sleeping so try to keep other activities out of the bedroom. This will help you to associate your bed with sleeping.

#6. My room is my sanctuary

Make your bedroom inviting, keep it tidy and stress free. Have only things that help you relax. If you love pillows and warm colours fill your space with those. You enjoy books and things fill your space will books. Just make sure that your space is calming and welcoming to you.

#7. No Stimulants

Don't drink caffeinated beverages or smoke cigarettes before bed. These stimulate the body making it more alert and that isn't something you want to do before bed.

Benefits of good sleeping habits

Longer life expectancy
Youthful looking skin
More alert during the day
Weight loss
Overall better heath (due to immune function)
Better recovery times (the body does it's repairs during this time)

We hope these tips help you to sleep better and feel more awake during the day.

Live well and be healthy,

Renu U Aesthetics

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Day Time Makeup

Easy Makeup Routine

A lot of people struggle with a natural looking day time makeup, it seems like it would take to long or is too difficult to do every day. But the truth is it's really not as difficult as it seems, there are a few things that you need to know to make this process simpler.

How to colour match

Look at the inside of your arm are the veins green? or blue? Are some of them green and them some of them blue?

Once you have this question answered you'll know whether or not your skin is warm, cool or neutral.

  • Warm toned skin = Green veins
  • Cool toned skin = Blue veins
  • Neutral toned skin = some veins green, some blue

Most makeups will tell you whether or not they are warm, neutral or cool. So you choose the one based on the observations you make of your skin.

Then when you are trying to pick the shade of foundation don't match it to your cheek, match it to your neck! The colour should look as though it's disappeared on your skin.

Looking at this picture you can see that the second one to the left is the nearest match to the model's face. And it's best to compare multiple colours to compare and make sure that you have chosen the right colour for your face. You don't want to look orange or yellow or too pink because it will make you look like you are wearing a mask.


It's very important to put some colour back in your face after you have made it all one smooth consistent colour. You can do this by adding contouring, blush and highlighting this adds dimension to your face.

Use a brown shade that is a couple shades darker than your natural skin tone. For a fairer skin tone choose the lighter coffee colour, for darker skin tones choose the darkest of the browns and medium skin tones the medium brown. Take a smaller blush brush apply a little colour to it, and then tap it off onto a paper towel. This ensures that you won't have too much colour on your brush, swipe this underneath your cheek bone from the ear lightly out towards the center of the face on both side. Pat the left over amount on the outer corners of the forehead. Dust off the brush and then use the now clean brush to brush the contouring out so there are no lines or super dark spots. Remember! A little goes a long way. 

With your blush you can go a little bit heavier. Smile wide and take pink blush for cool skin tones and a more orangie blush for olive skin tones. Tap off the excess and apply to the apples to your cheeks. Wipe off your brush and blend it out towards the hair line.

For Highlighting take a fluffy brush and use the lightest shade to highlight, or if you are very dark of complexion take the lightest brown (coffee/caramel coloured) and apply to brush, tap excess and apply above your blush. You can also apply to your forehead, bridge of the nose, brow bone under your eyebrows. 

Eye Makeup

For day time makeup that looks natural it's best to choose browns, and pinks/purples.

You could use your contouring pallet if you like and make your make up look even more natural by taking your lightest shade and highlighting the brow bone right beneath the eyebrow. Then blending in the colour closest to your skin tone or a LITTLE darker over the lid, and along the bottom lash line. Then you take a darker colour and lightly press it into the crease of your eyelid. change brushes and blend the darkest colour out with a clean brush, this will help to keep you from adding too much product.

You can do the same thing with the store bought tri-packs, which are usually intended for those purposes.

Line your eye and apply mascara. Usually you would do a thin line of liner only on the top lid for day time looks. You can add the darkest of the eye shadow shades in a light dusting on the bottom lash line.

Something like this:


For the lip colour a nice natural shade for day time makeup or a coat of lip gloss is all you need for a natural look during the day.

You should look something like this when you're all done.

We hope that this helps everyone struggling to do their makeup every morning. Choosing colours really is about picking the ones you like best on you and finding a makeup routine that fits you. However once you've been doing your makeup for a while you will find that this morning routine becomes second nature. You'll know what colours match and what you like to see in the mirror. You'll be shocked when people don't believe that you have makeup on in the first place.

Live well and be healthy,

Renu U Aesthetics.