The Healthiest You is a Confident You
For women and men in our society it can be difficult to be satisfied with self. We all watch TV and see magazine covers that make us feel ugly, fat and all over less than. It's hard to tell yourself that those pictures are touched up and there is simply no way we will ever look like the women and men on the cover of these magazines. Whether it be a fitness, or beauty magazine/show. It just seems impossible to reach and we feel discouraged and defeated. It happens to all ages, ranging from 5-70 people are feeling inadequate.
Here are some times to help you build your confidence every day:
Post it Notes:
Leave yourself encouraging messages all over your home, cellphone background etc... Things like.
"You are Beautiful" "Love yourself" "Today is Gonna Be a Good Day" "You are Wonderful" "Think Happy thoughts" etc....
Things that make you feel special and loved. Things that make you smile.
Think Positive:
Don't put yourself down, what you say to yourself becomes the truth, if you tell yourself you are ugly or that you will never succeed... you'll never get anywhere.
Tell yourself as you look in the mirror "I am beautiful, and confident" and you will be.
It's true that a smile can turn into a laugh, and can even brighten your day.
Take Pride:
If you have accomplished something that you've always dreamed about, make sure you tell yourself that you have succeeded. Remember confidence comes from within, praise from others is hollow if you don't believe it yourself.
Don't focus on mistakes:
Look at the big picture. If you have had a set back in life just think how far you have come. If you are painting, losing weight etc... look at the overall picture! Does the painting still look beautiful despite that small flaw? Did you already lose 50lbs and you didn't get your total goal this week?
That is what matters, don't knit pick the little details.
Change the things you can:
If you are unhappy in your life and there is something you can do to change it, change it! Loving yourself is making the hard decisions that will make you happy in the long run even if in that moment it seems like the hardest thing you will ever do.
Accept yourself:
If people tell you that you have flaws and that they don't like something about you... don't listen to them! If it makes you happy and you just wouldn't feel yourself without that part of you, find people that will love you for these special quirks! Surround yourself with people who love you for who you are no matter what! Never change for someone else.
One day you'll be surround by people who love you through and through, but first you have to love yourself utterly and completely.
Basically do what makes you happy, surround yourself with people that make you happy! Live in the moment, be happy and frolic. Don't let others bring you down. You are beautiful in your very own unique and special way and once you see that everyone else will too... those who don't aren't worth your time. Besides their opinions don't matter, what matters is what you think of yourself.
Live well and Be Healthy,
Renu U Aesthetics
Change the things you can:
If you are unhappy in your life and there is something you can do to change it, change it! Loving yourself is making the hard decisions that will make you happy in the long run even if in that moment it seems like the hardest thing you will ever do.
Accept yourself:
If people tell you that you have flaws and that they don't like something about you... don't listen to them! If it makes you happy and you just wouldn't feel yourself without that part of you, find people that will love you for these special quirks! Surround yourself with people who love you for who you are no matter what! Never change for someone else.
One day you'll be surround by people who love you through and through, but first you have to love yourself utterly and completely.
Basically do what makes you happy, surround yourself with people that make you happy! Live in the moment, be happy and frolic. Don't let others bring you down. You are beautiful in your very own unique and special way and once you see that everyone else will too... those who don't aren't worth your time. Besides their opinions don't matter, what matters is what you think of yourself.
Live well and Be Healthy,
Renu U Aesthetics